Thing 5 - Video Presentations

   Attached is a video I created using
   The subject of the video is How to book a flight. The video is aimed at library patrons.
   The video is 2mins. in duration. It includes choosing departure and arrival destinations, dates and times. The video ends before I enter my personal details.
   I talked on the video, explaining what I was doing. However when I replayed the video it was difficult to hear my voice even at maximum volume. I adjusted the microphone settings on my laptop and created more videos. The speaking volume remained low in all the videos. I reckon the microphone on my laptop was not working properly or else I did not adjust the microphone settings correctly.
   Cookies are still turned-on on my video. I thought I had turned the Cookies off though when I watch the video again it looks as though this did not happen. Weeks after making this video I came back to hoping to correct mistakes by making an updated video. However when I tried to Launch the Recorder nothing happened. I was unable to create another video.
   I saved the video above as an MP4 file to my hard drive.
   As a result of the low volume I decided to add subtitles using the R23 Guidelines, Thing 5. I uploaded the video to You tube. Using this programme I added subtitles to the video How to book a flight   The subtitles explain what is happening in the video and how to book a flight.



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