Thing 6 - Reflective practice

   For Thing 6, Reflective Practice I will outline and discuss briefly two Tasks completed. For the third task completed I will discuss it using Reflective Practice.

Thing 3, Image Banks
   I explored the Flickr Image Bank as my task for Thing 3.
   I used mostly a nature theme in my blog.
   As part of this task I uploaded a photo of a Peacock to my blog and accredited the photo using the Creative Commons licensing type. See Strutting by Chris Jones licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
   I also (i)created a link to the National Geographic; (ii)downloaded nature photos to my Wildlife Gallery; (iii)uploaded photos from an Archives library exhibition to an Album Library Archives, sample.
   The Guidelines in R23/ Thing 3, Image Banks were clear. They were helpful in completing the task. I found Flickr to be user-friendly. It did take trial-and-error to carry out the steps in the task. This is the case with any software I am using for the first time.
   A practical application of Flickr is to create an Album and to upload photos from a Library exhibition as a means of displaying it online, as in the link above.
  I would not make any big changes if I was to repeat this task.

Thing 5, Video Presentations
   For this task I chose to record a video using Screencast-O-Matic. The subject of the video is How to book a flight   The video is aimed at library patrons.
      I recorded the video using the Aer Lingus website and my voice. There was a problem with the sound and it is inaudible. As a result I uploaded the video to You tube and added subtitles. It was tricky to align the correct words to appear on the correct screen. This issue may relate to You tube rather than Screencast-O-Matic.
   It took practice to become familiar with the software. When I replayed the video I realised there were some mistakes eg. Cookies remained turned-on.
   In the future I would try using Screencast-O-Matic to make a video demonstrating online library resources eg. Mango languages, searching the library catalogue. Next time round I would ensure that the sound is working and Cookies are turned-off.

Thing 4/ Communicating Visually

   I used the Quik application (app.) to make a video of the interior of Roscommon County Library, see above. I took photos on my phone and used the app. to make a video.
   Making the video was a positive experience. The end result/ video worked well. I was pleased with it. The R23/ Thing 4 Quik notes were clear and comprehensive.  The guidelines brought me through the process step-by-step.  This was important to me. I was nervous about making a video as it was my first time to do this and my first time to use the Quik app..
   Previous knowledge of other applications would have helped as I would have thought "Ok I have done this before and I can do it again", eg. experimenting with functions on the Quik app.. I did not ask for help as I felt I was making good progress with the Guidelines available in R23/ Thing 4.
   Participants of R23 share their learning experience online through their blogs. Reading and interacting with these blogs broadend my learning experience. I found it helpful. I enjoy sharing learning experiences in person also and it would have been interesting to do this.
   Quik has limited functions. My opinion is it is easy to use.
    If I was to repeat this task I would (i)like for there to be people in the photos used for the video, this would show the library as a living rather than an empty space; (ii)follow a process similar to what I have done here.
   I hope that I would approach new tasks in the future with more confidence and less resistance. This would make my learning experience easier and more enjoyable.I learned that I did have the skills necessary to use a new app. and to complete a task. The task can work out well!
   I could have applied this task in the past and I may apply this task in the future to record library activities egs. storytelling, art workshop.

   Above are my thoughts on Things 3, 4 and 5. I discussed Things 3 and 5 briefly. I used Reflective Practice to cover Thing 4.



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